Depending on the position, the security guard job can be good for students. These include positions focused on asset protection and observing and reporting. For asset protection shifts, you are positioned near equipment to prevent theft and vandalism. You are required to be present and in uniform. During night shifts, some guards study for exams while monitoring CCTV cameras. They will usually have to complete patrols throughout the night. If there is anything unusual you will need to complete an incident report or in some cases even call the police. This is where your written and verbal communication will be essential. This will be covered in the 40 hour online course required to get your security guard licence.
Security guard positions involving constant interactions with the client and customers would not be ideal for those looking for downtime to study as a student. You will be highly visible to both customers and clients in these positions and do not want to appear not focused on your job. These high profile positions are better suited for those looking for a future career in security or law enforcement. High profile guards are typically located at airports, hospitals, malls and at events.
The benefit of obtaining a security guard licence is that you can work for any security company in Ontario. To suit your class schedule you may need to work for multiple companies. If your class schedule is organized in a way where it is hard to get regular shifts, you can still pick up shifts whenever you are available. Floater or casual shifts can be picked up for events, asset protection and contractor escort where detailed site specific training is not required. Upon arrival for your shift you will be briefed by the supervisor or guard on duty about your specific responsibilities and who to contact if you have any questions.
If you are a student looking to become a security guard, start our online security guard training and we will issue your Training Completion Number to write your Ministry test. Ontario Security Hub is a licenced security agency and offers online security guard training that follows the Ministry’s curriculum. Get started right away by creating an account on our website.