This blog post will delve into the nuances of Advanced Security Guard Training for experienced Guards looking to progress within the industry.

This blog post is tailored to the dedicated security professionals who have garnered several months to a year of experience in the industry. As you look towards career progression, the pursuit of advanced training certifications becomes paramount. By investing these training opportunities, you not only strengthen your capabilities but also pave the way for upward mobility, potentially resulting in a higher salary and a more prominent role within the security industry.

1. Foundation For Security Guards:

Before embarking on the journey of advanced training certifications, ensure a comprehensive understanding of foundational Security Guard training. For those seeking guidance on excelling in the industry or currently without employment, please refer to our detailed blog post titled “How to Get Hired as a Security Guard: Enhancing Your Employability”.

2. Timing and Opportunities for Advancement:

In most cases the window for advanced training opens after 6 months to 1 year of active service as a security guard. Recognizing your potential, security companies often extend opportunities for specialized training programs designed to elevate individuals to more advanced roles.

3. The Evolution to Specialized Security Positions:

Security professionals stationed in sensitive or high-risk environments, such as Hospitals, Government Buildings, and Courthouses, are likely to encounter unique challenges. To address these challenges effectively, advanced training certifications become necessary. The three advanced certifications indicating readiness for elevated roles include:

Use of Force:

      This certification equips security personnel with the knowledge and skills to navigate situations requiring physical intervention. Emphasis is placed on the judicious and responsible application of force to ensure the safety of all parties involved.

M.O.A.B (Management of Aggressive Behavior):

      Mastery of techniques for managing and de-escalating aggressive behavior is the main focus of M.O.A.B training. Guards learn to mitigate risks, minimizing harm to both themselves and others through effective communication and non-violent intervention.

Baton Training:

      A critical certification for guards utilizing batons as a defensive tool. Baton training ensures proficiency in safe and effective handling, emphasizing adherence to legal considerations.

4. In-depth Examination of Advanced Security Training Certifications:

Use of Force:

Techniques Involving Restraint and Control:

Mastery of physical techniques plays a large role in the Use of Force certification. Security professionals delve into methods of safely restraining individuals, emphasizing the importance of minimal force to achieve maximum control. This includes grappling techniques, holds, and immobilization methods.

Legal Dimensions Associated with Use of Force:

A solid understanding of the legal framework surrounding the application of force is imperative. Security guards explore the boundaries and ethical considerations of using force, ensuring compliance with regulations at all levels. This segment often includes case studies and legal scenarios.

Scenario-Based & Simulation Training:

To bridge theory and practice, scenario-based training is crucial. Guards undergo simulations replicating real-world situations where the use of force might be necessary. This immersive training allows for the application of learned techniques under simulated stress, refining decision-making skills in high-pressure environments.

M.O.A.B (Management of Aggressive Behavior):

Psychological Understanding of Aggressive Behavior:

M.O.A.B training delves into the psychology behind aggressive behavior, equipping security professionals with the ability to analyze and anticipate aggressive actions. This segment explores the root causes of aggression, ranging from frustration to fear, enhancing guards capacity to respond effectively.

Verbal Communication Strategies for De-escalation:

Communication is a powerful tool in diffusing tense situations. Guards undergo detailed training in verbal de-escalation techniques, emphasizing effective communication strategies to calm agitated individuals without resorting to physical force. This includes active listening and conflict resolution skills.

Application of Non-violent Intervention Techniques:

Beyond verbal tactics, M.O.A.B training includes non-violent intervention methods. Guards learn how to physically intervene without causing harm, using techniques that prioritize safety and prevent escalation. This encompasses restraint holds, escorting, and guiding individuals away from potentially volatile situations.

Baton Training:

Appropriate Handling & Use of Batons:

Baton training begins with the fundamentals of proper handling and carriage. Guards learn the correct grip, stances, and postures when wielding a baton. Emphasis is placed on maintaining control and ensuring the security professional is prepared for swift deployment when necessary.

Defensive Techniques Leveraging Baton Capabilities:

Mastery of defensive techniques includes understanding the capabilities of a baton as a defensive tool. Guards learn strikes, blocks, and parries tailored to leverage the baton’s design effectively. This segment includes practical drills to enhance muscle memory and proficiency in defensive maneuvers.

Legal Considerations Governing the Utilization of Batons:

Guards are educated on the legal framework surrounding baton usage. This includes when and how a baton can be deployed, ensuring alignment with jurisdictional laws. The training emphasizes the importance of proportionate response and adherence to legal standards, mitigating liability risks for both the individual security professional and the employing organization.


Obtaining advanced training certifications signifies a commitment to excellence in security operations. Beyond personal development, these certifications position you as a valuable asset within the competitive Security Guard industry. Whether your aspirations involve ascending the ranks or securing a salary raise, the acquisition of these certifications marks a significant step towards achieving those goals. Check out more blog posts! Not a Licensed Security Guard in Ontario? Start your online training today by making an account on our website if you are currently eligible to work in Canada. We are a licenced security guard training organization in Ontario. You can confirm on the Ministry’s website directly.

Receive details on the security guard licencing process in Ontario.

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