Where Do I get the CRJMC for the Security Licence in Ontario?

Starting February 18, 2024, a separate criminal record and judicial matters check (CRJMC) will be required to get a security guard licence in Ontario. It can not be the Standard Criminal Record check or Vulnerable Sector Check, it must be the CRJMC which includes outstanding charges, warrants and judicial orders. This check was previously included as part of the licence application. If you would like to know the cost and processing times for the criminal record checks see the list below. Please note the list is current as of posting but prices and processing times may change. Most police agencies offer the criminal record check online. You can apply for your police check up to 6 months before submitting your security licence application.

UPDATE July 12, 2024: The Ministry now allows a private business that is authorized to provide police record checks to perform CRJMCs. It no longer has to be completed by a police service.

If applying through a police service, select Employment when you are applying for your police check. If it asks for an organization you can put Private Security and Investigative Services Branch. The criminal record check does not have to be completed before writing your Ministry test to get your security licence. It can be completed after. However, we would recommend applying for your police check as soon as possible.

We would recommend completing the CRJMC online whenever possible to receive a digital copy of your results so you can upload it directly to Service Ontario's website when applying for your licence. If you receive a physical copy you will need to mail your licence application to Service Ontario which would take longer to process.

Ontario Security Hub is a licenced security agency and provides the mandatory security guard training to get your licence. We process the CRJMC for those enrolled in our course through a RCMP accredited provider that is confirmed to be accepted by the Private Security Branch. If you are looking to get your security licence, you will need to complete our online 40 hour training to receive your Training Completion Number.

OrganizationPriceEstimated Processing TimeWebsite for Criminal Record Check
Ontario Security Hub$28.32+HST24-48 hours, usually less than a few hoursOnly for those enrolled in our security guard course
Toronto Police$26.727-10 business dayshttps://www.tps.ca/services/police-record-checks/
Ottawa Police$717-10 business dayshttps://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/reports-and-requests/record-and-background-checks.aspx
York Regional Police$712-5 business dayshttps://www.yrp.ca/en/services/Criminal-Record-Judicial-Matters-Check.asp
Brantford Police$55.2414 Dayshttps://www.brantfordpolice.ca/police-records-checks-information
Thunder Bay Police$60https://www.thunderbaypolice.ca/services/criminal-records-search
Niagara Regional Police$59.956 weekshttps://www.niagarapolice.ca/en/what-we-do/policebackgroundchecks.aspx
Durham Regional Police$57.753 weekshttps://www.drps.ca/online-services/police-records/police-record-checks/
Windsor Police$55https://www.police.windsor.on.ca/services/info-requests/record-checks/Pages/default.aspx
Barrie Police$53.29Up to 3 weekshttps://www.barriepolice.ca/services/records/
Sarnia Police$51.9514 business dayshttps://www.sarniapolice.ca/how-do-i/record-check/
Hamilton Police$5014 Dayshttps://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/how-to/get-background-check
Owen Sound Police$50https://www.owensoundpolice.com/services/record-checks
Chatham-Kent Police$49.9510 business dayshttps://www.policesolutions.ca/checks/services/chathamkent/
Sault St. Marie Police$49.952 weekshttps://saultpolice.ca/what-we-do/our-services/record-check/
London Police$452 weekshttps://www.londonpolice.ca/en/services/Record-Checks.aspx
Guelph Police$452-3 weekshttps://www.guelphpolice.ca/en/request-for-information/records-and-background-checks.aspx
Peterborough Police$45https://www.peterboroughpolice.com/en/request/record-checks_copy.aspx
Greater Sudbury Police$42.00https://www.gsps.ca/en/request-for-information/police-record-checks.aspx#
North Bay Police$41.855 weekshttps://www.northbaypolice.ca/services/record-checks
Ontario Provincial Police$412-3 weekshttps://www.opp.ca/index.php?id=147&lng=en
Only for OPP policed communities not major cities in the Greater Toronto Area
Waterloo Regional Police$407-10 business dayshttps://www.wrps.on.ca/en/services-reporting/background-or-record-checks.aspx
Kingston Police$40.00Several weekshttps://www.kingstonpolice.ca/en/services-and-reporting/background-check.aspx
Peel Regional Police$35Up to 5 weekshttps://www.peelpolice.ca/en/services/record-checks-and-suspensions-pardons.aspx
Halton Regional Police$3030 dayshttps://www.haltonpolice.ca/en/services-and-reporting/record-checks.aspx
Belleville Police Service$4510 business dayshttps://www.policesolutions.ca/checks/services/belleville/

Receive details on the security guard licencing process in Ontario.

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