As a newly licensed security guard in Ontario, you might find yourself browsing job postings, feeling a bit perplexed about the specific duties and daily routines associated with the security guard profession. You may be pondering questions like the distinctions between a static and non-static guard or which roles emphasize teamwork versus independence. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on the various security guard positions you may come across during your career. Our goal is to provide clarity and guidance to help you determine which position aligns best with your personality and lifestyle.

In the field of security, there are various positions and roles that security personnel can occupy, each with its own set of responsibilities and functions. Two fundamental categories for security positions are “static” and “non-static,” also known as “stationary” and “mobile” positions.

Static Security Positions (Stationary): Security guards in static positions are typically stationed at a fixed location, such as entrances, gates, or access points. Their primary duty is to monitor and control access to a specific area, building, or property. They often check identification, issue visitor passes, and ensure that only authorized individuals are allowed entry. Below defines a few specific static security guard positions you may encounter.

Access Control Guard: Access control guards are responsible for managing and enforcing access restrictions. They may use security systems like card readers or biometric scanners to grant or deny entry to individuals based on their credentials. This position is common in office buildings, residential complexes, and industrial facilities. For more information on Access Control check out our Access Control Guide here!

Gatehouse Guard: Gatehouse guards are security personnel stationed at gates, especially in places like gated communities, factories, or construction sites. They control vehicular access, verify credentials, and may inspect vehicles entering or leaving the premises.

Concierge Security: In environments like hotels, condominiums, or residential buildings, concierge security personnel perform a mix of security and customer service duties. They provide assistance to residents or guests while also monitoring security concerns.

Control Centre/CCTV Operator: Some static security positions involve monitoring surveillance cameras and alarms from a central control room. Operators in this role keep an eye on multiple areas simultaneously and respond to any security breaches or emergencies.

Non-Static Security Positions (Mobile): Mobile security personnel are responsible for patrolling designated areas, either on foot or in vehicles. They conduct regular rounds, inspect for security breaches, and respond to incidents or alarms. Mobile patrol officers are more flexible and cover larger areas than static guards. We define specific non-static security guard positions below.

Event Security: Event security personnel work at concerts, sports events, festivals, and other public gatherings. They are responsible for crowd control, checking tickets, and ensuring the safety of attendees.

Retail Loss Prevention Officer: In retail settings, loss prevention officers (LPOs) work to prevent theft and shoplifting. LPOs are usually undercover when performing duties. They move around the store, observe customers, and may detain individuals suspected of stealing.

Executive Protection: This specialized role involves protecting high-profile individuals, such as celebrities, executives, or diplomats. Executive protection agents are mobile and often armed. They are trained to assess threats and provide close protection to their clients.

Transportation Security: Security personnel involved in the transportation sector, such as airport security officers, screening officers, railway security, or armored truck guards, perform mobile security tasks to ensure the safety of passengers, cargo, or valuable assets during transit.

Static and non-static security positions play vital roles in safeguarding people and property across diverse industries and environments. The selection of a position hinges on the unique security requirements of the given location or organization. However, if neither of these roles fits your interest, and you have a preference for a more operations-oriented role, we recommend taking a look at the Dispatcher/Scheduler position.

Dispatcher/Scheduler position in the security guard industry plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation of security services. This role involves managing and coordinating the deployment of security personnel to various locations and assignments. Here’s a detailed explanation of the type of work a dispatcher/scheduler performs:

Personnel Deployment: Once assignments are received, dispatchers/schedulers allocate security personnel to each task. They consider factors such as the proximity of guards to the location, their availability, and their qualifications to ensure the right personnel are sent to the right places.

Communication: Dispatchers/schedulers act as a communication hub between security guards in the field and the clients or supervisors. They relay important information, updates, and instructions to the guards, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding their roles and responsibilities.

Emergency Response: In case of emergencies or unexpected situations, dispatchers/schedulers are often the first point of contact. They must make quick decisions and deploy resources accordingly, such as dispatching additional guards to handle the situation or contacting law enforcement or emergency services if necessary.

Scheduling: Beyond immediate assignments, this role involves long-term scheduling of security personnel. Dispatchers/schedulers create work schedules, taking into account factors like guards’ availability, preferences, and contract requirements. They must ensure that all shifts are adequately staffed.

Record Keeping: Accurate record-keeping is essential in this role. Dispatchers/schedulers maintain logs of assignments, guard activities, and incident reports. These records are critical for evaluating the effectiveness of security operations and for client billing purposes.

Customer Service: Dispatchers/schedulers often interact with clients, addressing their inquiries, concerns, and requests promptly and professionally. Excellent customer service skills are important in maintaining positive client relationships.

Monitoring Technology: They use various security technologies, such as surveillance cameras, GPS systems, and communication tools, to track the location and status of security personnel in real-time. This allows them to respond quickly to changing situations.

In conclusion, the field of security offers a diverse range of positions, each serving a vital role in maintaining safety and order in various industries and settings. Whether you choose a static or non-static role, you play an integral part in safeguarding people and property. However, if you’re drawn to an operations-focused position, consider the Dispatcher/Scheduler role. This role serves as the backbone of security operations, ensuring the smooth coordination of assignments, personnel, and communication. As you embark on your journey in the security industry, you now have a clearer understanding of the options available to you, allowing you to make an informed decision that aligns with your personality and lifestyle. Your role as a security professional is crucial in preserving safety and security, making a positive impact on the communities and organizations you serve.

If you’re not yet a Licensed Security Guard in Ontario but are eligible to work in Canada, you can kickstart your training by creating an account on our website. We are a licensed security guard training organization in Ontario, a status you can verify directly on the Ministry’s website. Start your journey toward an exciting and rewarding career in the security industry today!

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