Security agent walking alongside vehicle
Credit: AWG97

To become a bodyguard or close protection agent for private citizens in Canada you will need your security guard licence. Bodyguards protect people, typically high net worth individuals, such as celebrities, athletes and CEOs. In Canada, bodyguards for these individuals are unarmed. Bodyguards for heads of state and other dignitaries are part of the police force such as the RCMP or OPP and are armed. The RCMP has a dedicated unit to protecting the Prime Minister, Governor General and other VIPs.

After completing the 40 hour security guard training and obtaining your security licence, additional training will be provided by the security company that employs you. Topics covered may include:

  • Embus and debus drills (entering and exiting the vehicle)
  • Formations
  • Attack scenarios
  • Advance preparations
  • Counter Surveillance
  • Defensive driving
  • Defensive tactics

A bodyguard or close protection agent represents their client. This means the way the bodyguard dresses, communicates and carry themselves can all come back to the client. If protecting a CEO of a major corporation, the close protection agent will likely be in a suit. On the other hand, protecting a celebrity, it is possible to be in just plainclothes.

In addition to being physically present with the VIP during public appearances, you may be involved in advance work. This involves visiting the locations ahead of time and planning escape routes. It may also involve doing a sweep for hidden recording devices.

How do I get employment as a bodyguard?

Corporations may either contract out their executive protection to security companies such as AFIMAC or Sentinel Security or have an in-house team. For celebrities and artists, it is possible to get employment if you have contacts with members of their team.

Start your online security guard training

To work towards your security guard licence, you will first need to complete our online security guard training. Our course includes video lessons, quizzes and scenarios and is more than reading pages and pages of information. To get started create an account on our website.

Receive details on the security guard licencing process in Ontario

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