Before you can write your security guard test, you will need to obtain your Training Completion Number. After you obtain your TCN, you can book your Ministry test. The training provider should provide practice questions to give you an idea of the questions that will be on your test. The steps to pass your security guard test are:
Go through the practice test questions. We provide sample questions and answers for those enrolled in our course. We also point out which sections you should focus on when preparing. There is a combination of knowledge and scenario questions.
Make sure to follow the test rules so you will not have your test terminated. This is especially important if you are writing an online test. Individuals have been removed from the test because the Invigilator could not see or hear them during an online session.
If you do not have the Training Completion Number needed to write your security guard test, you can start our online security guard training to receive it. Our training is more than reading pages and pages of information and will prepare you for both the test and employment as a security guard.
Start your online security guard training by making an account on our website here.