In Ontario there are over 700 licensed businesses that offer security guard and/or private investigation services. Once you become licensed as a security guard how do you choose which security company to work for? Here are 3 factors to consider:

1) Company Culture and Reputation

A company that treats their guards poorly will result in guards being less dedicated to the company. This can cause the company to lose contracts, meaning less work available for the guards. With the number of security companies available, how the guards perform have a huge impact on whether they keep the contract. A company that invests in their guards through ongoing training, stability in work and other perks will result in increased loyalty. Look at how long the company has been around for and the clients they have to see how long they will stay in business.

2) Type of Sites

Some guards prefer interacting with others while others prefer to be left alone. Some companies focus on concierge and event security where guards will frequently interact with people. Other companies focus on alarm response where interaction is not as much.

3) Location of Sites

If you live in Brampton, for example, it would be ideal to have a site in Brampton close to home to avoid having to commute each day. A security agency licensed in Ontario can have work anywhere in Ontario regardless where they are based. Look at what area the company focuses on through their job postings.

For the highest paying security guard jobs take a look at our blog post. If you do not currently have your security guard license, you can start your online security guard training with Ontario Security Hub. There are 3 steps to getting your security licence in Ontario.

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